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Staking Module

Important Parameters

The important parameters to be aware of when understanding the darwinia staking module are as follows:

  • MinStakingDuration - Minimum time to stake at least.
  • MaxDeposits - Maximum deposit count.
  • MaxUnstakings - Maximum unstaking/unbonding count.

Parameters In The Networks

Darwinia Crab Pangolin Testnet
MinStakingDuration 14 days 14 days 2 mins
MaxDeposits 100 512 512
MaxUnstakings 16 16 16

Extrinsic API Documentation

  • stake(ring_amount: Balance, kton_amount: Balance, deposits: Vec<DepositId<T>>)
    • Add stakes to the staking pool. This will transfer the stakes to a pallet/contact account.
    • Params:
      • ring_amount: the amount of RING to be staked.
      • kton_amount: the amount of KTON to be staked.
      • deposits: a vector of specific deposits that you want to add to the staking pool.
  • unstake(ring_amount: Balance, kton_amount: Balance, deposits: Vec<DepositId<T>>)
    • Withdraw stakes from the staking pool.
    • Params:
      • ring_amount: the amount of RING to be withdrawn.
      • kton_amount: the amount of KTON to be withdrawn.
      • deposits: a vector of specific deposits that you want to withdraw from the staking pool.
  • restake(ring_amount: Balance, kton_amount: Balance, deposits: Vec<DepositId<T>>)
    • Cancel the unstake operation. Re-stake the unstaking assets immediately.
    • Params:
      • ring_amount: the amount of RING to be restaked.
      • kton_amount: the amount of KTON to be restaked.
      • deposits: a vector of specific deposits that you want to restake immediately.
  • claim:
    • claim the stakes from the pallet/contract account.
  • collect(commission: Perbill)


    Please note that the staking commission design on the Darwinia network differ significantly from the Polkadot. See DIP-1 for details.

    • Declare the desire to collect. Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next session.
    • Params:
      • commission: the proportion of the staking reward that you want to collect, represented as a perbill (a fraction of a billion).
    • nominate(target: T::AccountId)
    • Declare the desire to nominate a collator. Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next session.
    • Params:
      • target: the account ID of the collator you wish to nominate.
    • chill
    • Declare no desire to either collect or nominate. Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era. If the target is a collator, its nominators need to re-nominate.
    • set_collator_count(count: u32)
    • Set collator count. This will apply to the incoming session. Require root origin.
    • Params:
      • count: the number of collators you want to set for the upcoming session.